Saturday, August 15, 2009

Awww the poor lad must suffer silently...

Aww the poor lad must suffer silently til we get to kick it [..]

=/ or...=D

Text from dude of the song lyrics. Way to text me the day OF wanting to hang out. =( I kinda don't dig! LOL. I mean I could but I just woke up groggy from a nap and am looking forward to a chill evening. I COULD be being introverted, but I JUST don't feel like going out and it wouldn't be fair to him honestly. That happen to you? You just feel BLAH and not social and if you went out with a person, you'd be cranky and annoying and it wouldn't be fair. I'd rather schedule for another time and be an Friend? hangout? yeah, i cut out the rest of the text ...maybe because it doesn't matter? LOL if you wanna know the rest (its really nothing...but if you really want to know..) comment and say so and i'll reply back with the rest.

Today was my free weekend! (declined working a football practice.)
I got a hair cut at 10. This morning was a treadmill incline walk, then rest, and then refuel with pluot, sunflower seed butter (last of the sample! AUGH!) and tortilla, and then 2 mile run (didn't think i could do a 10K and be back in time to get ready for haircut (leave at 9)). Plus you know, i just didn't feel the 10 k distance. i hate that, but i'll be ready for it next week. FOR SURE. I need to up my distance. 9:17/mile, finished in 18:37. Damn last hill. DAMN YOU for slowing me down. And legs felt weird. dunno. GET WITH THE PROGRAM LEGS

Came back and did this:
5X10 pushups, 5X10 bike crunches
100! 100! sit ups (real sits, 50 real, 50 butterfly style.) I just realized what i LOVE working, Seth- ABS! I told him that but i wasn't really sure. LOL. Hope i see him tomorrow! and NO IZZY HE"S NOT A BOY TOY LOL

Breakfast: 1/3 cup oats doused in cinnamon, plum, pluot, and bloobs. and nonfat watery yogurt and hot soymilk. YUM YUM.
Insert Loss of 1/2 of hair.
Then we headed to get my mom and sis vietnamese banh mi, and to a korean supermarket to fill up on tons of fruit! White peaches the size of my face, peaches, pluots, plums, and tofu! and banchan.
Lunch = TOFU! leftovers with cauliflower and a tortilla. and a wall street journal crossword.

insert blog reading and then...3 hour nap. OOPS. now i'm just chilling aim-ing people.

Has anyone ever closed their car door on a finger? okay, i did that 8 weeks ago...and my nail finally fell off. BUT WILL IT GROW BACK!? WHO WILL WANT TO HOLD MY HAND!?

Dinner WAS CURRY! =D
With a tortilla on the side to wrap up each individual bite. YUM. Already craving it already.
Tomorrow is serious gym time....and maybe a movie with the sister. Who knows.


  1. Is bloob a type of fruit, lol? I've never heard of it before!

    White peaches these days are crazy big. We just bought some at Costco and they're pretty delicious too. Love banchan as well (but I'm Korean so sort of biased ;) )

    3 hour nap sounds awesome. No need to oops about that!

    I didn't slam my finger in the car door, but my sister did for me. No bitterness though ;) Don't worry, the nail should grow back. Mine (2 fingers) are perfectly fine now!

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend girlie!

  2. bloobs = blueberries. i just am CHO lazy and don't feel like typing the whole word! LOL. i hope it does grow back!

  3. Haha, I'm like that too. Sometimes I just DOn'T wanna go out at all, esp when it is FREEZING outside...or SWELTERING's always one or the other here, so I can't wait to go to Cali!

    And curry with tortilla? yum yum!
